Friday, January 24, 2014

Practice Test 5 in Professional Education

1.     School curriculum reflects the world’s economic and political integration and industrialization. what does these point in curriculum development.

A.    The trend towards the classical approach to curriculum development
B.    The trend toward the globalization and localization
C.   The trend toward participatory curriculum development
D.   The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to a product-oriented one

2.    You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. What thought is impressed on your students? 

A.    Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face to-face interaction
B.    Student’s success depends on the success of the group
C.   Student’s individuality evaluate how effectively their group worked.
D.   The accountability for learning is on the group not on the individual 

3.    What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as though it is the only education technology available?
A.    Isolated use
B.    Flexibility
C.   Variety
D.   Uniformity

4.    “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” What is an application of this principle?
A.    Appeal to student’s sense of imagination
B.    Use multisensory aids
C.   Make your students touch the instructional material
D.   Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the ears are the most important senses in learning.
5.    Which is a classroom application of the theory of “operant conditioning”?
A.    Help student see the connectedness of facts, concepts, and principles
B.    Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation
C.   Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the response
D.   Make students learn by operating manipulatives 

6.    Here is the test item.
From the data presented in the table, form generalizations that are supported by the data”.
            Under what type of question does this item fall?
A.    Convergent
B.    Evaluative
C.   Application
D.   Divergent

7.    I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. Which method will be MOST appropriate?
A.    Discovery
B.    Indirect instruction
C.   Direct instruction
D.   Problem solving

8.    Teacher A teaches English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blanks sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A.    The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk
B.    The teacher emphasizing reading and writing skills
C.   The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner
D.   The teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive learning

9.    Teacher A an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lessons in order to _____                       .
A.    introduce a new lesson
B.    reflect on how he presented the previous lessons
C.   provide his pupils with a sense of continuity
D.   determine who among his pupils are studying

10.  To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class officers shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?
A.    Symposium
B.    Simulation
C.   Role playing
D.   Philips 66

11.  Teacher S teaches a lesson in which students must recognize that ¼ is the same 0.25. They use this relationship to determine that 0.15 and 0.20 are slightly less than ¼. Which of the following concept/s is/are being taught?
A.    Numeration skills
B.    Place value of decimals
C.   Numeration skills of decimals and relationships between fractions and decimals
D.   Relationship between fraction and decimals

12.  To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should a teacher AVOID?
A.    Ask “hat if…” questions
B.    Ask divergent thinking questions
C.   Emphasize  the need to give right answers
D.   Be open to “out-of-this-world” ideas

13.  After reading an essay. Teacher B wants to help sharpen her students’ ability to interpret. Which of these activities will be most appropriate?
A.    Drawing conclusions
B.    Making inferences
C.   Getting the main idea
D.   Listing facts separately from opinion

14.  Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from inactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner’s theory. How would you teach?
A.    Be interactive in approach
B.    Begin with the abstract
C.   Begin with the concrete
D.   do direct instruction

15.  In a Social studies class. Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks student what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based?
A.    Bandura
B.    Piaget
C.   Kohberg
D.   Bruner

16.  What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction?
A.    Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in the classroom
B.    Teach beginning with the concrete
C.   Sequence instruction
D.   Reward good behavior

17.  Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmates at the height of anger?
A.    Ego
B.    Id
C.   Id and Ego interact
D.   Superego

18.  With assessment of affective learning in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A.    Cloze test
B.    Moral dilemma
C.   Reflective writing
D.   Diary entry

19.  If a teacher wants to measure her students’ ability to discriminate, which of these is an appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?
A.    “Outline the Chapter on The Cell”.
B.    “Summarize the lesson yesterday”.
C.   “Group the following items according to shape”.
D.   “State a set of principle that can explain the following events”.

20.  Which can be said of Arielle who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in a Grammar objective test?
A.    She performed better than 25% of her classmates
B.    She answered 75 items in the test correctly
C.   Her rating is 75
D.   She answered 75% of the test items correctly

Answer Key:

1.      B
2.      B
3.      B
4.      B
5.      C
6.      D
7.      D
8.      C
9.      C
10.    B


  1. Excuse me sir do you have the complete answers of this test? Please post it po. Bala makatulong po kasi saakin eh

  2. I agree with the previous post. Pwede po yung complete answer key?

  3. good evening po sir.. thanks for this items.. it might help in taking the exam... i hope there will be more information.. thanks

  4. sir pki post po ung complete answers it helps me alot.. every single info is important to me... tnx po

  5. please post the answers up to 20...thanks and GOD BLESS

  6. pls. post answers 11 to 20 thanks po dito. helps a lot. God bless you!

  7. correction for question # 7 the correct answer is B because A and D are example of indirect instruction and question # 8 the correct must be letter D.

    here are the list for answer key for 11-20


  8. million thanks for sharing..

  9. Sir Paner dahil sayo Placer din ako slamat.. god is Good

  10. i think number 7 answer is D... Kc kung indirect po sya dpat nakalagay jan ung concept,generalization.. meron kasi pattern parang Problem solving po yan...

    1. #7-B. Comparing Direct and Indirect Instruction

      Indirect instruction is an approach to teaching and learning in which concepts, patterns, and abstractions are taught in the context of strategies that emphasize concept learning, inquiry, and problem solving

    2. Thanks for that..meaning, answers provided came from Sir Paner's personal answers to the review questions only.

  11. i have question on numnber 7 kasi sa aming review discovery ang answer..please help. thank you
